USPTO Systems Status and Availability

Thursday Sep 05, 2024

Planned Events

Trademark System Maintenance 

The USPTO will perform routine maintenance on Trademark systems from midnight-3 a.m. ET on Friday, September 6.  

The following systems will not be available:

Trademark Official Gazette (TMOG) will not be available. You can access recent PDF versions of the gazette on the Trademark Official Gazette webpage. For archived PDF versions of gazettes dating back to 2001, visit the archived editions page

Trademarks ID Manual (IDM) will not be available.

Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) will not be available.

Trademark Electronic Application System International (TEASi) will not be available.

Trademark Center (TM-eFile) will not be available

TTAB Reading Room will not be available.

Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) will not be available.

Electronic System for Trademark Trials and Appeals (ESTTA)

Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Inquiry System (TTABVUE)

Trademark Electronic Official Gazette (TM-eOG) Maintenance

The USPTO will perform routine maintenance on TM-eOG from midnight-5 a.m. ET on Saturday, September 7.

TM-eOG will experience an outage during the maintenance period.

Trademark Trial and Appeals-Reading Room (TTAB-RR)

The USPTO will perform maintenance on TTAB-RR system from midnight-5a.m. ET on Saturday, September 7.

TTAB-RR will be unavailable during the maintenance period.

Electronic System for Trademark Trials and Appeals (ESTTA) and Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Inquiry System (TTABVUE) Maintenance

The USPTO will perform routine software maintenance on ESTTA and TTABVUE from midnight-5 a.m. ET on Saturday September 7.

During the maintenance period, ESTTA and TTABVUE will be unavailable.