United States Patent and Trademark Office

In our effort to deliver accessible, open data, this site provides easy access to relevant data sets in a user-friendly site that combines several services into one.

The study looked at several areas including the potential impact on small and micro entities, whether fee structure changes are needed, and recommendations for administrative and legislative action.

The USPTO and the University of New Hampshire signed a Joint Partnership Agreement (JPA) to promote and support intellectual property (IP) education and outreach throughout the New England region.

The Strategy offers a vision for how the USPTO can foster responsible and inclusive AI innovation, harness AI to support the agency’s mission, and advance a positive future for AI to ensure that the country maintains its leadership in innovation.

Start your patent journey

Patents accelerate the cycle of innovation

Innovation often builds upon existing ideas, taking small steps and great leaps to solve problems and improve our everyday lives. The patent system promotes this innovation through sharing past inventions, so that others can build upon them and benefit our society.

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